Thursday, September 8, 2011

Not ashamed

I bought instant coffee. And it was decaf.
Still with me?

It was for a good cause. I'm making grande iced mochas, baby! I spend way too much of my allowance on Starbucks every month, so I thought I'd try to make my drink at home. That way I can drink even MORE chocolate and coffee. yumyumyumyumyum

I bought the instant coffee for a couple of reasons. 1. Grandma drinks it. If Grandma drinks it, that's good enough for me. 2. Starbucks sells it. Really, Starbucks? really? Just 'cause you call it "via" doesn't mean we don't know it's coffee crystals, yo. 3. I thought instant coffee would be easy to dissolve cold. Cold mixin' = faster mochas.

I mixed a teaspoon of decaf folgers into a glass of milk. I used whole milk because that's what we had and because it tastes awesome all by itself. Then I squirted in a healthy blob of chocolate syrup and mixed it up. I added ice cubes and voila! A totally delicious iced mocha whenever I want. It really was good and I think measures up to the original drink pretty well. You don't get any fun coffee shop atmosphere and no whipped cream or straw, but there are unlimited refills.

Now, if I can only figure out how to bake that magical coffee cake...


  1. Yes. Please learn how to make their delicious reduced fat cinnamon swirl coffee cake. Oh my gosh that stuff is so good.

  2. If you can buy coffee crystals, I can buy coffee crystals. But only for iced coffee and only because I'm a coffee snob otherwise.
