Saturday, November 12, 2011

Baby Work

Amy and I go outside every morning, almost first thing.  Sometime days, the coffee has to come first.  We often sit in the garden, but whether we are inside or outside, one of Amy's favorite things to do in the morning is her baby work.  She starts on a task of her own making, like moving all the granola bars from their box to a bowl, or putting all her books on the couch one at a time.  It amazes me how diligent and patient she is, when she is doing her work.  By the time I started taking this video, she was on her third job -- she had filled her bucket once, then carried dirt in her spoon to the table and made individual piles with it.  As the video starts, she is moving her bucket to start a new job.


  1. Poor little thing never noticed that garden box right beside her with nice soft dirt.

    I wish I had her work ethic.

    She really did perk up though when her supervisor (Papa) told her she was doing a good job.

  2. I think she learned that kind of work from watching her parents. Were there any artifacts in her bucket?
