Monday, April 15, 2013

Sh*t in the Woods

Amy was telling me a story about some bears she saw today at Cabelas. We were pretending the bear was playing, the bear was running, the bear was sleepy, etc.
She said, "Sometimes the bear eats you!"
And I could resist, even though she wouldn't get it, and I said, "Sometimes you eat the bear!"
She paused, looked me square in the eye and said "Sometimes the bear eats your husband."

This is what she did at Cabelas. She passed out, so we put her on a display cot.

That was limiting our shopping ability, so we grabbed a cart, a 3x sweatshirt (of which there are many at Cabelas) and made a mobile bed. Ahh, much better. So comfy.


  1. Nothing sweeter or easier to photograph than a sleeping toddler! Rest.Little Bear!

  2. Where do I find that bear? I could have used him a few years ago...
