Friday, October 28, 2011

Tilt Shift Photography

My Dad shared a link to a slideshow of real pictures that were edited to look like photos of miniatures. It's called tilt/shift photography and it's fun! They sell filters that will make your pictures turn out like this, or you can tweak them in photoshop to get the same effect without spending the money on a filter.
I did these two pictures on a site called It was really simple and you can adjust the settings a little bit to make your picture look really funny.
I'm not sure why you would really want this in real life, but it was fun to play around with. Thanks Dad!

Chaco Canyon, taken from the cliff edge on the trail to Pueblo Alto

Pima County fair, taken from on top of the Ferris wheel. 
p.s. It looks like the great search for cinnamon chips is over! A super sneaky shopper seems to have found some!!!!!!


  1. Who was the super sneaky shopper? I contacted Hershey themselves and they said they were back ordered. Well done "O super sneaky one"!

  2. You did?! Thanks mom! It was Rachel. Ashley found some too. They're coming, I can feel it.
