Sunday, October 2, 2011

We've had a rough couple of nights. Amy hasn't been sleeping well, she's been waking up a lot and spending a lot of time needing to be held really tight. Last night, she was awake almost every hour and cried and whimpered and snuggled in tighter. 
We've had weeks like this before. Just before she hits a big growth spurt or makes some big progress in brain power, she either sleeps for 15 straight hours or struggles like last night. It's like her poor little mind is trying to come to terms with its own progress. Her growth is so amazing to watch. It's like it happens before our eyes. She went to bed a baby last night and look at her this morning.

I see a toddler in this picture. There's something different in her eyes. She's seeing me differently. She's participating in her world in a whole new way. How does it happen so suddenly? It's definitely not a smooth, constant development, more like punctuated equilibrium.

Punctuated by Cheerio disasters. Note the Cheerios stuck to the mooshed strawberry on her bottom. Niiiice.
What? Growing brains need lots and lots of cereal, Mama.

1 comment:

  1. Its really hard to grow hair, Mama. And in case you didn't know it, she is!
